Thursday 8 November 2012

My car pictures completed in 2010 on canvas

More pop art style Art pieces...

2 racing cars amidst a backdrop of yellow behind.

A Bugatti Veryon with a variety of blue shades in the backdrop.

A Corvette and a Lamborghini Murcielago
winding down a narrow road.

For further enquires e-mail:

Monday 8 October 2012

My Pop art style work

My Artwork



For further enquires e-mail:

Saturday 8 September 2012

2 X A2 Oil pastel pieces (originally by John Virtue)

--- 2 X Oil pastel pieces originally by the artist John Virtue ---

BLACK & WHITE piece with a hint of low hue colours such as orange, pink, yellow and white added for extra effect.

This piece is more enhancing to the eye of the viewer as a more specialist and refined use of oil pastels have been used to create the piece (above).