Wednesday 16 October 2013

My Artwork inspired by Kristen Eyfells

My Artwork

My artwork of Bill Cosby, Comedian inspired by Kristin Eyfells.
Pencil and oil on paper.

Kristen Eyfells uses bold, striking colours to enhance the overall image. In order to capture the seamless blend of colours, I have layered a variety of colour combinations to create my own colours.
I feel I have come up with an adventurous approach to my mixed media pieces. Around the eyes, Eyfells has included a mix of colourful, abstract patterns to capture the viewer.
The facial feature which I found most unusual was the lips. The slow transition of the reds and purples is almost surreal, in comparison to the pattern around the eyes where the colours are separated by each hue.


For further enquires e-mail:

My Skull illusion inspired by M.C Escher

My skull illusion-part inspired by M.C. Escher's Eye piece.

For further enquires e-mail:

My artwork inspired by John Virtue

John Virtue - Architecture

2 A2 paintings (above): in the style of John Virtue.

For further enquires e-mail:

My artwork inspired by Emil Nolde

My A1 mounted sheet inspired by the artist Emil Nolde.

Emil Nolde is unique because his style of artwork is quick, messy and child-like, whilst at the same time looking refined. It is important that as part of the expressionism era, Nolde painted on location.   

His work is multi-sensory as Nolde communicates the treacherous conditions he had to endure, all condensed into this one single picture.   The sheer beauty of Nolde’s work is the way he expresses the volatility and ferociousness of God’s destruction, whilst at the same time, conveying the anger or difficulty he must have felt in trying to actually paint the picture. Due to Nolde’s limitations in showing precision in his work, contrast and juxtaposition have been deeply emphasised. Nolde’s use of textures, layering and brush stroke movement conveys the feeling and thought he must have felt psychologically.  Nolde’s use of paint is splattered in different places to suggest a see-draw attitude. Although Nolde uses non-representational colours, his work is almost more realistic than any other landscape picture. Instead of being a luscious, serene and calm planet, Nolde shows the world in its true colours- a motivation of his that he has showcased throughout a number of his pieces.

For further enquires e-mail:

Tuesday 9 July 2013

My unique skull illusion artwork

My unique skull illusion piece.

Some may say this piece is gory, others may say that this piece is beautiful. There are some gory elements to this piece, such as blood dripping down from the eye ball. This piece may also be seen as eerie as you have the blood dripping down from the eye ball, contrasting with the smiling teeth (piano keys). However, I do feel that this is appropriate for the message I would like to put across. The skull is seen as a practical joker who takes a chance too many on things. 

I have chosen a chequered background as I feel this would be most appropriate for conveying the theme of chance. The background is 3-D to enhance the viewers thoughts on this piece. Furthermore, we (as a class) were taught how to make our own 3-D room, so I hope to showcase the skills I have taken on board and how I have utilised them through my Artwork. 

For further enquires e-mail:

Wednesday 26 June 2013

My recreation of Salvador Dali's 'Sleep'

My recreation of Salvador Dali's 'Sleep'


Salvador Dali is said to be one of the greatest surrealist artists of our time.
In my piece I have been inspired by Dali to create a piece of artwork personal to me.
I have chosen 'sleep' because this piece of work recaptures the spirit of your minds thoughts as you sleep. In Dali's original piece his face shows us a mind-boggling array of expressions. I feel that Dali wants us to explore how our expressions change from us being awake to when we are asleep. Furthermore, Dali might want us to see a natural image of someone (rather than a fake smile, for example).

For further enquires e-mail:

Monday 24 June 2013

My piece titled 'Slug Tubes' inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci

Slug Tubes

My artwork inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's
'Anatomy of a Woman'. 

The above artwork is a replica of the original but 
with the Tube map leaflet design incorporated. 

This unique morphosis to Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Anatomy of a Woman’ has inspired me to take a whole new approach to how we envisage the body to function.

I want to give the idea of Underground trains slithering along, through the internal organs inside the human body.      

The Underground to me is an on-going circulation, or cycle of transition for people to do their daily commute.  
- Some people take transport as a necessity because they take the tube so often that they tend to rely on this brilliant piece of engineering craftsmanship. Moreover, it's all too easy to forget the sheer essence and beauty of the tube. I have tried to give an unusual interpretation of how the cycle of the Underground works and how this can link with the workings of the human body 
- I believe I have reflected my personal response by showcasing to my audience that public transport does not have to be this stereotypical image of sweat and pain in a battle to get to work. Instead, I hope to convey the wonderful side of public transport and how London's Transport network is the greatest and will always be the best.

For further enquires e-mail: